Expanding together

Couples coaching


Deep connection

Share vulnerable thoughts and dreams with your partner like you’ve never shared before. Implement more deep connection in your relationship by learning about communication.


Intense intimacy

Get lost in the relationship where the passion is so high, and intense you can barely catch your breathe.


Mutual sexual desires

Tune with your partner and learn new ways to get turn on together at the same time.


Bulletproof Trust

Learn to trust your partner and the relationship to a whole new level. Let go of past relationship trauma. Heal the past wounds to make room for unconditional love.

Couples Coaching

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu

Coaching is helping a person change in the way they wish and helping them go in the direction they want to go. In no way a coach should force you to change or tell you what to do.

I will support you and your partner at every level in becoming who you want to be without any judgement.

I will guide you on how to be vulnerable with yourself first, and with your partner to open up and connect more deeply.

Coaching builds awareness, empowers choice and leads to change

Intimacy and pleasure coaching is about setting realistic, sustainable and attainable goals.

I am focused on helping you unlocking your own potential.

Please note that sexuality coaching should not be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, sex therapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.

I will not force you to make any changes in your life. 

I will not judge your situation or where you want to be.

You are in charge of your own destiny.

You decide to make the change.

Background Image

“Being in a relationship is hard work.

The relationship will show you your deepest wounds,

the ones you thought you healed.

A relationship will hold a mirror in front of you,

to show you your flaws.

Until you are ready to see and love, you will keep on projecting onto your partner.” Adeline Thulliez

Books Recommendation

Mating in Captivity


One of the world’s most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home

Beyond Mars and Venus


Today, men and women are no longer trapped by rigid societal roles. Now more than ever, we have the freedom to be our authentic selves. Women can access their masculine side, and men can embrace their feminine side. This new freedom is a good thing, but it also brings new challenges.

Love is not enough


Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his signature no-nonsense wisdom back to the subject he started his career covering: relationships. Being with your partner may feel like rainbows and unicorns, but that doesn’t mean you have a healthy, functioning relationship. Sure, we all need love…but love is not enough.

Clients Reviews

"Adeline is a genuine person who has learned a lot by observing and learning how to listen. She is providing tips on how to promote non violent communication. I trust Adeline from the bottom of my heart. Her intentions are coming from love and care."
Lydia 40yo
“When I first started my sessions with Adeline, she talked about sex and bought up masturbation as if it was like ‘Oh, I just went to the grocery store.’ It was so casual, like it was an everyday thing. She gave me permission to talk about it. She made me feel safe to talk to her about sex.”
Alicia 44yo
"Adeline put me on a path of enlightenment and education of not only myself but my wife who loves me without question. [...] I have shed many tears listening to Adeline's posts and reading her teachings, [...] realizing I am not the man I thought I was and not the lover or partner I know I could be. My wife deserves to be allowed to grow. It is about time I realized what she needs and what we need to survive this thing called life. Thank you."
JT 42yo
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